
Prayer is a vital part of our individual and corporate lives and takes place in many ways at any time.

We have a beautiful wrought iron tree at the front of church next to the pulpit. This is used as a "prayer tree". We encourage people to write prayer requests and thanks for answered prayers on the cards available alongside and to then hang those cards on the tree. Please note that any prayer requests hung on the tree will be used in our intercessory prayers during morning worship. Any confidential prayer requests should be made to our minister, Rev. Ben Clowes, or to one of our stewards.  Rev. Clowes can be contacted on 01423 870977.


As part of our church family you can gain access to a pastoral groups who will visit you from time to time. Also, if ever you need a personal private chat for any reason, you are more than welcome to contact our minister. Priority is always given to requests of this kind. You may also wish to discuss with our minister any arrangements for special occasions or for becoming a member of our church.

If you have a request for prayer, please contact our minister 01423 870977.